Songs for Children
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In Matthew 19:14, our Lord Jesus Christ said, "...Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

In 1981, I went to Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada to serve as Minister of Music for six months which was as long as the government would allow an American to stay and work.

It was in the north woods in forty-below-zero weather, with three little kids that I was anointed to write 26 songs for children.  I thought it was so my kids could sing in church, but when I returned to the States about a year later, I heard the Lord speak to me while driving one day from Chicago to Nashville. 

The kids and wife were asleep and the Lord asked me "What do you call baby goats?" I said, "Kids, Lord."  He asked me what do you call baby lambs?" I said, "Kids, Lord. They are kids." He asked, "What do you call your children?" I said, "Kids, Lord." and a light went off! He said, "Write the story of the Good Shepherd for my little children.  Tell them that they did not come from a frog or an ape. I created them!" He reminded me of what my two sons said their teachers had taught them... that they came from frogs or apes. The Lord said that He is indeed the Good Shepherd because he had pet lambs and ewes and rams when he was a boy growing up and He knew what his purpose was for being on the earth ... He was the eternal Sacrificial Lamb...

I pray your children will be blessed and learn from what they hear taught in my book and accompanying cassette, "The Good Shepherd".

"The Good Shepherd" set contains three musical drama cassettes (over 40 minutes in length each!).  There is also a 36-page story coloring book with 16 line drawings in Part I with 20 original songs (7 songs in each part). The entire set is only $19.95, plus $2.40 shipping and handling.  Please specify order #LC-107-8-9!

To order, please call, 615.646.5317 or write to:

Donnie Sanders, c/o Loud Cry Ministries
P. O. Box 210270
Nashville, TN 37221-0270

God bless you always!



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